According to Yanks' game notes, starters for the rest of the week are Nova, Phelps, Warren, TBA on Saturday.
— Lou DiPietro (@LouDiPietroYES) February 25, 2014
@LouDiPietroYES sure the game i am going and no one knows who is pitching
— Draft 2 Dynasty (@Draft2Dynasty) February 25, 2014
@Draft2Dynasty I'll give you 1:4 odds on Pineda, 2:1 on Bruce Billings, 3:1 on Nik Turley, and 5:1 on the field
— Lou DiPietro (@LouDiPietroYES) February 25, 2014
Looks like you'll do well, @Draft2Dynasty! RT @BryanHoch: CC Sabathia, Hiroki Kuroda and Masahiro Tanaka will all pitch March 1 for Yankees.
— Lou DiPietro (@LouDiPietroYES) February 25, 2014
In a matter of 2 hours or so the pitcher for Saturday went from TBA to the 3 headed monster that is Sa-ro-ka (Sabathia, Kuroda & Tanaka). That being said you can imagine the excitement I have to be able to watch all 3 starters in 1 game. As I always do. I will do my best to tweet the happenings around the field pre game. I wont live tweet the game as much as it will be televised but I will have video from my vantage points. Crazy thing is I picked up tickets towards the back of second deck figuring to just take the game in. To get an idea of my view point. I have this video for you. Warning it might bring back some fond memories.
so my view won't be too bad for Sa-ro-ka.
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